The original Superboy comic book series became Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes for issue 222. However, the Legion of Superheroes shared cover billing on the Superboy comics beginning from issue 197 onward, which makes things quite confusing for collectors! Therefore to clarify, Superboy ran from issue 1 to 221, then the series became Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes at issue 222 for 36 issues, then the series became Legion of Super-Heroes for issue 259 until issue 313 when it was again renamed Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes. The series finally ended with issue 354. In addition, there was a second series titled Legion of Super-Heroes (also shown below) which was published during the "Tales of" period, but was completely separate from the original series.
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, 36 issues
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, issue 250, April 1979
The Legion of Super-Heroes, 55 issues
Legion of Super-Heroes, issue 269, Nov 1980
Legion of Super-Heroes, issue 304, Oct 1983
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes, 41 issues
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes, issue 341, Nov 1986
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes, issue 343, Jan 1987
Legion of Super-Heroes (2nd series), 63 issues
This is the second series to be titled Legion of Super-Heroes and ran for 63 issues. The original series (shown above) was numbered 259 to 313. Both were published during the 1980's which made things very confusing for collectors. The difference between the two series, aside from the numbering of the issues, is that this new series was printed on thicker, white paper rather than standard newsprint paper, and had a higher sale price.
Legion of Super-Heroes, issue 11, June 1985
La Légion Des Super Héros
La Légion Des Super Héros, issue 8, April 1985