In 1985 Marvel Comics produced a series of 8 Fraggle Rock comics under their "Star Comics" brand. Marvel also produced a series of Muppet Babies comic books at the same time, also under the "Star Comics" brand. Those comics are shown on the Muppet Babies page of this blog. For the Fraggle Rock series, I'm missing issue #7 but have all the rest. Issue # 1 and 2 are shown above. The stories used for this comic book series are taken from actual episodes of the TV show.
Issue # 3 and 4
Issue #5 and 6
Issue #8
In addition to the "Star Comics" version of the comic, which were sold at comic book shops, Marvel Comics published news stand editions that were sold in commercial stores. These editions had barcodes on the front in place of the star logo. In addition, the section showing the price of the comic as well as the price, was revised. Above are issue # 5 and 6 of the news stand editions. I have yet to double check to confirm, but in theory there would have been a news stand edition for each issue that was published. Therefore if you're the kind of collector who likes to have all the variations, there are actually two of each Fraggle Rock comic issue to collect! Yay! :) But wait, there's more!....
In Europe the comics were published in a larger magazine sized format. Above is the European version of issue 5 shown next to the North American version for size comparison. Therefore in theory, if all 8 issues were published in this larger format, then there are actually three variations of each issue to collect! Yay! :)
Beginning in January 2011, a series of three Fraggle Rock comics were published by Archaia. Above are the "B" covers for issues number one and three. I assume this means there are also "A" covers with different artwork. The comic are square shaped rather than being the standard rectangular comic book size.